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Storing and Finishing

Live Edge Storage

Even though your live edge slab is no longer a tree it is still made up of cells always trying to reach equilibrium moisture content (EMC).


We sell both air dried and kiln dried products. Kiln dried wood is more stable any wood is trying to reach (EMC). 


Because of this you will need to store unfinished live edge slabs properly and finish your live edge slab properly. 

Understanding Wood and Storage

Here are some basic things to understand about live edge slabs:


- Until completely sealed your slab will always try to reach the moisture content of its' environment. 


- If you dry out a slab too quickly the tendons in the wood will not have time to stretch and your slab can check, twist and cup.


- If you store you slab properly stickered, off the ground and weighted, you will help the slab keep the shape you want. 


- You'll want your slab to acclimate to your work area or live space. So store in a dry place out of sunlight.


- When you slab is being dried it is stickered every few feet and especially on the ends. It is also under a lot of weight. This assists the slab with staying straight while it dries. Make sure to sticker your slab off of the ground and to put weight on at least the end stickers while storing your slab. Your slab should be sandwiched between stickers with added weight on the top stickers. You can sticker as many similar length slabs on top of each other just make sure there are stickers between each layer.


- Store your slabs in a dry place. A dehumidifier helps if needed. 


I recommend sealing the whole piece of wood. If you seal just the top of the slab the bottom (unsealed) will lose moisture at an unstable rate and could cause the slab to cup.


It can help to screw in flat pieces of metal on the bottom of the slab to help it stay flat. It might be worth to even install metal channeling.


Kiln drying is always best but people have built with green wood since the beginning of time. Remember once a kiln dried piece of wood leaves the kiln it is now absorbing moisture trying to reach equilibrium moisture content (EMC). This is another reason it's important to seal all sides.

Stacked and Stickered example
for storage


Metal on the bottom of the slab

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